Camilla McGill

Is my child being bullied?

Mar 06, 2022

A client messaged me this week asking for some help. My private clients, those on one of my premium packages, get to email me anytime to ask me question.

Here’s the scenario:

Her child came home from nursery and said: "Harry said I’ve got a chicken nose, why did he say that?"

She wanted to know if this is bullying and how she should respond?

So, having gone back to her directly, I thought I’d make a video share my thoughts with you. In the video, I describe:

  • Why kids say mean things
  • How to respond to your child
  • What classifies as bullying
  • And how to help your child respond to teasing or bullying

We all need support with issues like this. I hope you'll spend 3 minutes of your time to watch it.
At the end of the video, I mention that you can book a free discovery call with me - here's the link

Click here if you would like to know more about working with me.


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