Camilla McGill

Working with Schools & Organisations

Camilla offers inspiring and practical workshops, courses and coaching sessions for schools and organisations - both in-person and virtually.

Are you looking for:

• Increased employee morale, retention and productivity?

• Helping parents to raise kids who are cooperative and emotionally stable? 

Are you looking for:

• Increased employee morale, retention and productivity?

• Helping parents to raise kids who are cooperative and emotionally stable?

"If anyone else is thinking of asking Camilla to give a talk at their school or organisation, we would highly recommend her.

Our event was really well-received, the parents were engaged and also relieved to share their challenges and get some great, practical suggestions from Camilla. Camilla is extremely knowledgeable, and as a mum of 4, nothing shocks her! "

Beata Doody, Principal, Nightingale Montessori Nursery

Companies Camilla has worked with

Companies Camilla has worked with

Camilla's Experience

With over 20 years of experience, Camilla has provided parenting services for organizations such as Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, PWC, Accenture, and Bank of America.

She's had the privilege of working with a diverse range of parents and families, from leading London schools to top-tier corporate clients. She's spoken at a prestigious school such as Thomas's Schools, St Paul's Girls, Fulham, Notting Hill and Kensington Prep

Camilla Since 2010 has been volunteering for the charity Parent Gym. As a senior certified facilitator, she's helped parents, many of whom are in economically vulnerable households, learn positive parenting techniques and build stronger, happier families. 


Her wealth of experience as parenting coach (and a mum of 4), gives her a unique approach. Please get in touch if you're a school or organisation looking to support parents. She offers tailored coaching packages, workshops, webinars and courses that can provide the guidance and expertise parents need.

What could it mean for your school or organisation?

Imagine this... 

  • Happier home life with parents who feel calmer and get better sleep.

  • Increased productivity and performance as a result of less stress and more joy from being a parent.

  • Reduced absenteeism and staff turnover rates. 

  • Improved parent-teacher partnerships and student outcomes.

  • Enhanced parent-child relationships and emotionally supported kids.

Make An Enquiry

What schools are saying about Camilla's coaching

Camilla has very high standards of professionalism and is thoughtful and reflective as an individual. She got amazing feedback from the parents she worked with and supported our organisation with the utmost good grace.

Geethika Jaytilaka, (Former) Director Parent Gym

We were so lucky to have Camilla McGill deliver a six-week Parent Gym course for us. She was professional and warm and offered a diverse group of parents the opportunity to gain confidence and learn new, fresh, simple and valuable ideas to help them to deal with their  parenting issues. Thanks Camilla for sharing your expertise with our parents.

Charmaine Cummings, Outreach Coordinator, Ethelred Nursery School and Children’s Centre

Camilla ran a parenting workshop for our parents talking about ways to positively praise children and other tips.  She was warm, friendly and non-judgemental and the parents reported they had a great time and found it really helpful.

Judith Ish-Horowicz MBE, Principal of Apples and Honey Nursery, Wimbledon

For a taster of what’s on offer watch this clip
of my masterclass,

‘The 3 secrets to managing tantrums and challenging behaviour’. 


The Working Mom’s Pathway to Empowerment’ you can watch this informative session on

'Managing Morning Mayhem'  


What clients are saying about Camilla's expertise

Camilla, thank you so much for a fantastic webinar. It was so engaging and informative.  Our parents really appreciated getting your practical advice and support and found you a very approachable expert 😊

Catherine Cornet, on behalf of Duke's Education

Camilla came to run a parenting class in my child’s nursery school. My little boy can be really demanding and has frequent tantrums. It was so reassuring to hear that other parents experience the same thing and that I’m not alone. I have changed the way I  handle him from what Camilla taught us and he’s SO much better now.

Jade Green, Effra Road Children’s Centre

Camilla was a pleasure to work with. She had a professional approach and her communication and attention to detail were superb. Our parents responded so well to her workshop. She has so much experience as a coach and as a mother of 4 and it made everyone leave feeling inspired.

Kelly Hambleton, Credit Suisse

Get in Touch

If you'd like to invite Camilla to speak at your school or organisation or be a guest on your podcast, please fill out this form. 

What parents and schools are saying about Camilla's expertise

I have two children aged 2 & 5 and I attended Camilla’s webinar on tantrums and difficult behaviour.  I found it so helpful and reassuring to know that I’m not alone in finding my kids really hard to handle at times.  I loved Camilla’s realism and went away feeling inspired by the tips she gave. If you get the chance to attend one, don’t miss it.

Emily Rogers, parent of two

We were thrilled to have Camilla as one of our guest speakers. Our guests loved her practical, down-to-earth approach to managing morning mayhem.

Grainne O’Regan, working mum’s life coach

Our parents couldn’t wait for Camilla’s class to start each week. One parent said to me: ‘What I’m learning in this parenting class has blown my mind!

Jess Maiden, Belleville Primary School

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