Camilla McGill

The Stressed-Out Parent's Christmas Survival Guide 

Want a stress-free Christmas period WITHOUT having to nag or shout to get your kids to listen? 

Imagine being able to go on an outing, visit a friend or take your child Christmas shopping without a meltdown?

The festive season should be super fun, but that’s not always the case with young children. The tension builds up and parents feel stressed-out, dealing with all kinds of 'challenging behaviour'.  Plus we've got the pressure and guilt of trying to get it all right.

BUT there is something you can do about it to make sure you stay calm and your kids do you proud.  Then you can ALL have the most enjoyable festive period possible.

My 7 page FREE guide teaches you how successfully prepare kids in advance, giving you step-by-step guidance on how to manage those potentially stressful situations at Christmas like a true pro :)

Wow! Sounds amazing, right?!  

Survive Christmas without stress to enable you to:

  • Stay calm and feel prepared yourself for a joyful, fun family festive season.
  • Go on a trip or to the shops with a happy, cooperative child.
  • Let go of the guilt to 'get it all right' and enjoy your kids more.
  • Avoid any threats that 'Santa won't come if you don't behave'  

Real stories from real parents

I've been using Camilla's strategies for so many different situations with my kids. I can't believe how easy they are to use and how much quicker we get things done. When you stop wasting time and energy on the battles, it leaves so much more time for games, cuddles and having fun.

Melissa Johnson

We were dreading the Christmas period, especially the prospect of taking our boys to stay with my in-laws. Using Camilla's methods was a game-changer for us. It meant we had a really successful trip
Patty and Simon Harper

Our daughter used to refuse to say 'Hello' to relatives during family gatherings and became labelled as 'rude' by relatives. Using the G.R.E.A.T  method gave her the confidence to greet people with a smile. Such a relief. 

Isabel Rodriguez 

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Hi, I'm Camilla

I am passionate about helping overwhelmed parents to feel calmer and more confident. I’m a mum of 4 and have been coaching parents for over 20 years.

This free guide will show you how to survive the holiday period and use the G.R.E.A.T Method to get you feeling confident and in charge and your child listening and doing what you've asked. 


Get Your FREE guide for a stress-free festive season 

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